I left New York with just a few pictures and that doesn’t bother me at all. I usually take at least one thousand in one place but not this time. Not because I did not had the “subject” but I definitely didn’t had the time.
We took the yellow cab from Kennedy Airport to our hotel in Time Square, left the luggage and started walking by foot. I felt so good in New York! I had ranked it very high in must visit cities of the world or even for living. I have a friend who moved to New York for a few years now. Why do I like it so much? Because of the people, because of all the buildings, because of the best hot dog I had ever had, in Central Park, because of Central Park, because of Broadway, 5th Avenue and because of the movies. Of course there are some movies that make New York tempting and some of them are so close to reality! “ I love your shoes” is what a girl passing by us told me while we were heading to Central Park. They are expressing their thoughts every time even though they don’t know you at all. In fact, they are expressing their thoughts and moods in every moment.
Because I mentioned Central Park I will tell you more about it. I know it was lunch but I don’t remember the day. I think it was Saturday. A lot of people in the park doing so many different things, playing football, jogging, walking dogs, just seating on the grass listening to music, dancing or eating. It was a delight to just watch the movement of the Park. We had lunch on the terrace where I had an amazing salad. While siting in the bar waiting for our table, I had the surprise to stop my eyes on one of the actors who’s playing a nice role on Prison Break TV series. He was there with his wife and baby. So, we spent the entire day in Central Park, until it was really dark. When the evening came, the movement and the music of the park had changed, from slow beats to faster ones. We even saw fireflies in Central Park. We saw things that you cannot see everyday.
Being for the first time in New York I have to tell you that besides my feet I had a nasty neck pain because of the position of my head. Almost all the time I was looking up! Buildings are imposing, from the older and smaller ones till the new skyscrapers. The weather was a bit undecided when we visited the Statue of Liberty. A bit of fog at first, then a bit of sun and then the rain, however all of these go well with the Liberty Island and the statue. It’s a nice symbol and it’s also a nice gesture coming from the French to give the Americans this icon of freedom. She is the Roman goddess of freedom and they say that she is welcoming people coming from abroad.
New York is full of symbols! 5th Avenue for example is “the symbol of shopping”. Just a pair of shoes…I was thinking, but you know how we humans are! It wasn’t just a pair of shoes and on the other hand, the place is meant for such an activity like shopping. And there you go, my excuse!
My list of symbols continues with Broadway. We bought a ticket for “A Little Night Music” with Catherine Zeta Jones and Angela Lansbury. Have we enjoyed the show? Oh, yes, we did! The critic in me says: good show, worth seeing. We were in New York only for a few days and then we flu for Las Vegas where Richard Bronson was just inaugurating the new fountain in front of his hotel. Speaking of him, I like this guy! But before going in another city I would like to describe a small part of our scenario from every morning. We were seating on one of the small terraces from Time Square with a coup of coffee and some snack talking and observing the life in that spot. Tourists, so many, but among them townspeople spending their everyday life, drinking coffee while going to work, talking on the phone or to each other, usually on a hurry. I like the discrepancy between New Yorkers in Central Park and New Yorkers on the streets in working days and I felt so good in New York where I ate the most delicious hot dog ever!